Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Question of the Day

Oh my gosh! I just noticed that there hasn't been any knitting content here for two weeks. I have been knitting, but there is nothing to show. There have been a couple of washcloths and a sweater for the best baby in the world, but no pictures (sorry).

Instead I have a Question of the Day:

If you were the ruler of the world and you could have anything you wanted as well as have people do anything you wanted, do you think you would get greedy and mean or would you be a good and fair ruler?

Hmmm. Whaddya think?


Unknown said...

That depends. Is there chocolate involved?

Guinifer said...

I would be too busy knitting with ALL THE YARN IN THE WORLD! Bwa ha ha ha!

Ellen said...

Well, not being a real people person, I would assemble the really good managers, teachers, mayors, etc. that I've run into over the years and start my own crack Scooby Squad to run things. Thus, freeing a lot more time up for knitting by myself!

Katherine said...

Oh, greedy and mean. Definitely. But only until I delegate some authority to a chosen few, while I knit with cashmere & silk.


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