Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bob and I went to the FAIR!

We do this every year. It is one of our favorite things to do together.
This year Bob took a lot of pictures and I didn't.
Here is my small selection.

The sky looked threatening right from the start.
We were resigned to the fact that we were going to get wet.
But, we were disappointed! Darn!

Then we stopped at the Miracle of Life barn.
They have new-born calves, sheep, pigs and chicks.
It was so much fun!
This little one is only one day old.

These guys are only one day old too.
There were sixteen of them, so two have been fostered to another mother. ONLY two. I would have shared at least 10!

And this is a dragonfly constructed of junk found on the banks of the rivers of Minnesota. It was hard to get a good angle, but you can see that it is junk put together by a very inventive artist!


Guinifer said...

Now I wish I was going to the fair! (I can only handle it every three years or so..)

katie said...

I wish I was going too! I've lived in MN my whole life and never been to it once. Cute baby animal pictures!

Unknown said...

We're going tonight! Cheese curds and french fries, here I come!


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