Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bob and I went to the FAIR!

We do this every year. It is one of our favorite things to do together.
This year Bob took a lot of pictures and I didn't.
Here is my small selection.

The sky looked threatening right from the start.
We were resigned to the fact that we were going to get wet.
But, we were disappointed! Darn!

Then we stopped at the Miracle of Life barn.
They have new-born calves, sheep, pigs and chicks.
It was so much fun!
This little one is only one day old.

These guys are only one day old too.
There were sixteen of them, so two have been fostered to another mother. ONLY two. I would have shared at least 10!

And this is a dragonfly constructed of junk found on the banks of the rivers of Minnesota. It was hard to get a good angle, but you can see that it is junk put together by a very inventive artist!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saturday Sky

Heading into Minneapolis to get to St. Paul for the Body Worlds Exhibit at the Science Museum.
I really enjoy our skyline, although this isn't the best picture.

Peeping Friday

I'm a little late with this post.
Yesterday we went to the Body World exhibit at the Science Museum.
It was so interesting. You can see grey matter and placque and ligaments and how it all fits together. If you get a chance to see it, I recommend that you do.

Today's Peeping Friday is brought to you by the DH of the Kingdom.

This is just one picture of the "Computer Room". I didn't want to scare or overwhelm anyone. There is also an "Office" full of more machinery. Veddy interesting ;-)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Question of the Day

Oh my gosh! I just noticed that there hasn't been any knitting content here for two weeks. I have been knitting, but there is nothing to show. There have been a couple of washcloths and a sweater for the best baby in the world, but no pictures (sorry).

Instead I have a Question of the Day:

If you were the ruler of the world and you could have anything you wanted as well as have people do anything you wanted, do you think you would get greedy and mean or would you be a good and fair ruler?

Hmmm. Whaddya think?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Saturday Sky

Perfect August day!
Knitting on the porch,
eating cherry tomatoes right off the vine,
listening to the cicadas,
slight breeze and 73'.

OK, I know that's now quite how it goes, but I tried!

Peeping Friday

I am the luckiest Grandma in the world. I get to spend two days a week with my darlings!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Chocolate Quote of the Week

I never met a chocolate I didn't like.
Deanna Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Saturday, August 12, 2006

7:30 this morning, Saturday Sky

We were on our way to the Irish Fair on Harriet Island in St. Paul.
Beautiful day! Fun event! Sky cleared and there was a breeze.
Loved it.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Peeping Friday

This is the stuff I keep in my knitting bag.
From the top, I have cuticle cream, stitch markers, eyes and noses,
tape measure, lip balm, grafting directions, calculator, pain meds, gauge thingie, post-its,
yardage calculator, stitch counter, more stitch markers,
pen, dice, eye drops. The tubes contain tapestry needles and cables needles.
The red rectangle has a magnifier, tweezers, scissors,
pen, 3" ruler, screw drivers and a flashlight.
Then there's the mesh case that holds all of it
with a little purple case that holds MORE stitch markers.

Friday Fun

I was just tagged for this.
Every Friday you post a picture that is a little glimpse into your life.
I think it started with this nice lady in Norway here
or Camilla's blog here http://www.camillaengman.com/misc/blog/2005/nov2005/index.htm.
It's hard to track it back to the beginning!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ballband Dishcloth!

Finally finished the dishcloth!
It's just like the one I gave DDIL, except the two different colors are reversed. I'll still try to get a picture of that one too ;-D

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Kick the Can

Norma and Sandy are kicking the can (the soda can, that is).
I have been trying to do this for quite a while, but now that there is a support group and a button, maybe I will do a better job.
And Dave is the Button Designer! I wish I knew how to do that too!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday Afternoon Sky

It's a beautiful afternoon, 82F
and we are off to our DDIL birthday party!
Don't tell her that she is getting two of the dishcloths!
Edited: I finished a third one in the car.
But I forgot to get a picture of it.
Hopefully I can get that on Monday.
I really liked it ;-D


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