Sunday, March 30, 2008

I have spring dishcloths

There is still snow in the yard, but I think our duck is back.
She keeps walking through and shaking her head at the piles of snow where she usually nests.

But I have Spring near the kitchen sink!!
The one on the left has already gone through the washer and dryer!

Here's the little pattern (I found inspiration here) :

Cast on 34 sts (or multiple of 4)

Knit 4 rows.

Row 1: K3, p3, *sl 2 wyib, P2* repeat between *s to last 4 sts, P1, K3.
Row 2: Knit.
Row 3: K3, P1, *sl 2 wyib, P2* repeat between *s to 6 sts, sl 2 wyib, P1, P3.
Row 4: Knit.

I like 12 repeats of this pattern.

End with four knit rows and cast off.

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