Saturday, October 14, 2006

SS and FF

Saturday Sky and Finishing Frenzy!

It has been cold with snow flurries for the past three days and today will seem glorious!

I finally finished the three baby sweaters (little hoodies).
The yellow and blue ones are for a set of twins due in January and the blue one is for a little boy due in December.
The felted mittens? I did the no-no that I have always told my students: "Never walk away from the washing machine when you are felting!" So I simmered them in vinegar and stretched the living daylights out of them and they just might fit the recipient. I also knit a red pair, but they are not cooperating. If you have any ideas on unfelting, please let me know!


Guinifer said...

Ok, never mind the felting disaster...those baby hoodies are SO CUTE!!

(I've got no help for unfelting, sorry)

This Weary Traveler said...

The baby hoodies are great! And you are done before the babies are due. That never happens around here!

Woman who knits said...

The sweaters look amazing and soft. So snuggly!

Don't worry abou the mittens! Lots of disasters end up being the best pieces!!


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